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day 1: 24-08-2023
is this thing rolling?
day 2: 25-08-2023
end of the teaching year
day 3: 26-08-2023
day 4: 27-08-2023
timothy 2
day 5: 30-08-2023
timothy 3
day 6: 31-08-2023
way back home
day 7: 01-09-2023
way back home 2
day 8: 02-09-2023
wednesday morning
day 9: 03-09-2023
wednesday morning 2
day 10: 04-09-2023
wednesday morning 3
open note
note: the titles of days 8-10 were originally 'saturday morning 1-3',
and day 10 had the following dialogues from Charlotte:
"I should go and get groceries."
the change to 'wednesday morning' was made for better continuity with the following
parts, and the dialogue was removed as she probably would go straight to work.
but if it was a saturday morning she would've said those lines.
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